Odd object Wednesdays
This is what I want
Wednesday 9/28/16
4 rounds:
100m waiters walk (50m L/50m R) heaviest possible (65/45) is goal
*Work with a partner and go you go I go style for the 100m
50 Weighted situps
50 Barbell goodmornings
2 min Double KB front rack hold (70/53)each hand
35 Weighted situps
35 Barbell goodmornigns
1:30 Double KB front rack hold
20 Weighted situps
20 Barbell good mornings
1 min Double KB front rack hold
*I just want you to do this. Not concerned with time. Goal is to do the holds unboken. You may do GHD if you have experience with that many, but dont add weight
AMRAP 10 min:
20 Overhead lunges (45/25)
10 Handstand pushups
This is what the flowy tank. This option doesn’t have Valyrian steel
10 ways to optimize your meat consumption
HIgh-fat low-carb for athletes
Year 3