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Mental health retreat


Mental health retreat

Remember the good ol days when all we had to worry about was a stupid line that our feet had to go over???

Sunday 10/4/20

Zoom 8:30am 10am

EMOM 10 min:
3 Deadlifts
*Try to go heaviest possible for all 10 min
**IF at home using DBs do 10 every min
Every 4 min x 6
25 Wallballs (20/14)
15 handstand pushups or 15 hand releease pushups
5 Power cleans (205/145)
*DB only = 15 power cleans . 25 goblet squat
*KB only = 25 goblet squat 25 kb swing
*NO EQUIPMENT = 25 jumping air squats 2515 hand release pushups 15 burpees

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