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How they get up in Turkey


How they get up in Turkey

Do you heart CFD?

Wednesday 7/12/17
10 PVC passthrough
15 Band aparts
50ft bear crawl
EMOM 12 min:
1 min: 40 second max strict pullups
1 min: 4 Turkish getups (2l/2r)
For time:
50 Toes to bar
50 Wallballs (20/14)
50 Parallette facing burpees
50 Alt arm DB snatch (50/35)
*If you want to try to beat her time in the video do 30/20 wallballs and 70/55 DB snatch

General fitness

10 PVC passthrough
15 Band aparts
50 ft bear crawl
EMOM 12 min:
1 min: 40 seconds max ring rows
1 min: 6 KB windmill
For time:
50 Straight leg situps
50 Wallballs
50 Burpees
50 Alt arm DB snatch

Madison to proivide smog, Kombucha, assholes to help Californians acclimate during CrossFit games

Can you beat her time?

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