Once upon a time, 1rm c2b pullup was a games event
Monday 7/24/17
Pizza game
EMOM 20 min:
1 min: 30 sec max bench press
1 min: 30 sec max weighted pullups
*pick a weight for both that allows at least 5 reps
EMOM 12 min:
7 KB swings (53/35)
7 Goblet squats (53/35)
7 Box jumps (24/20)
General fitness
EMOM 20 min:
1 min: 30 sec max DB pushups
1 min: 30 sec max renegade rows
AMRAP 12 min:
7 KB swings
7 Goblet squats
7 step ups
Why climbers have the head game of zen monks
Happy Sunday you CrossFit wippersnappers