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Lots of info. Read it all

Coming up again May 6th 5-9pm

Wednesday 4/26/17

W/a partner
AMRAP 7 min
Alternate sets of 10 KB taters
Front squat from ground
Establish a 5rm
*power clean+5 front squats or full clean + 4 front squats
For time:
50 Cal row/bike/ski
50 Box jumps (24/20)
200 Double unders
50KB swings (70/53)
50 Cal row/bike/ski
*20 min time limit
*If you start on the bike you must end on the row or ski. If you start on the row you must end on the bike or ski.

General Fitness
W/a partner
AMRAP 7 min
Alternate sets of 10 goblet squats
3×20 weighted lunges
*hold weights farmer carry style
AMRAP 20 min:
Run 200m
15 Step ups
15 KB swings
50 Single unders

Parents night out is coming up again. May 9th 5-9pm. Cost is $40 per child, $30 for each additional child. Pizza and snacks included. Last time was really fun! Let us know if you are interested

We will be having a summer camp starting July 10th-14th and July 17-21 from 9am-12 noon.If you would like to sign your kids up CLICK HER. Please ask Joe or Dusty for more info!

You have till Friday to order a baseball T. Don’t be that guy

Deadline to sign up for Battle for bragging rights is by the end of this weekend. Do it

Whatever you’re doing, make it hurt

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