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Games on Wednesday!


Games on Wednesday!


Insert inspirational quote about hard work

Monday 7/20/15
15 Good mornings
15 Air squats
Back squat
20RM (add 5-10# from last week)
*If you STILL have not done the, shame on you, and start at 60% of your 1RM
Every 3 min for 15 min:
Run 200m
Max reps burpee box jump (30/24)

Paleo potluck Tuesday night at 6:30 upstairs at the gym. Be there or be square

CF kids starts today!

Gymnastics seminar. August 1st. SIGN UP NOW or loose out

The people who need very little sleep 

Why BMI doesnt work 

Sooo many sweet vids lately. Just in time for the games!

Does any one even read past the WOD???

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