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Good luck guys!

Friday 2/24/17

Back squat
In teams of 2:
AMRAP 20 min:
200 Cal bike/ski/row
150 Sumodeadlift high pull (75/55)
100 Handstand pushups

As usual we will be doing heats on Saturday starting at 10:30am. YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR YOUR 17.1 HEAT HERE, PLEASE TRY TO FILL THE EARLIER HEATS FIRST. Write weather you are going scaled or RX next to your name. If you need to do it doing open gym time please let us know if you need a judge or bring one. If you need to do it during class time that is fine just try to stay off to the side as much as you can. If you need to do it on Sunday please let me know.Have fun! Lets go team CFD!

17.1 is…..

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